THEIR ARE NO CABLES INVOLVED! This is a linkage problem. I've lubed the rods that slide in carb top holes, helped some, but they still drags when pulled at angle. I've looked for replacement carb top rubber bushings, No luck. This winter after riding season, I may attempt to make my own, out of Tygon fuel line or similar. And polish steel rods chrome slick. I still believe the tilting of the rod in the rubber bushing, is the drag problem. When they hang, while on work bench, I can push them straight with hole, and they close under spring pull.
I have already polished the cam shaped linkage to slick as chrome. This has improved some, but when the rods tilt and hang, the only fix I've found is to put them back in line with hole, then they close easy. Ive lubed sll rubbing parts with super lube, multi purpose synthetic clear grease. Bike only has 29,000 miles. Someone else should also have had this problem? But, theirs slways a BUT, i have no dust boots, they were rotton, and torn, when I first built carbs 20 years ago, so I left them off. Might be my mistake???