This reply is related to "hanging off"
So, from my VERY limited experience riding a wussy little 350 with cheng shin tires,
When I am feeling good, I like to rev the bike and hit the twisties on the east side of the Schuylkill River.
What I have found is that if I keep my head up in relation to my body position, and keep looking where I want to go, the bike handles WAY better.
If I keep my head in alignment with my body lean angle, (head leaning inside) it feels much more dangerous and unstable.
I try to mimic the riding position from pictures of guys leaning their bikes way over. See previous posts for pic of the mind #$%* bike.
His head is up, eyes fixed on the exit target. Is his ass on the seat or off to the inside of the corner? I don't know.
It seems to me if I keep my body centered over the bike, head up, and push only the bike into the turn, I have better control.
Is this subjective or objective truth?
What I mean is I am trying to keep my body and weight centered ove the bike, not hanging off to the inside.
What is the deal on this?