My 500 has about a half inch or inch sag in the front fork's bouncy as #$%* and I hate it. I press down, it bounces back but not all the way...I can lift up on the bars and see it travel another inch then drop back down.
I was tightening all he nuts and bolts, chain and stupidly put a wrench on my fork lower drain bolt at the very end and snapped the head of bolt right off. I crippled my bike so its just been sitting and bleeding out.
I don't have access to the shop I work out of for a few days so I'm not going to tackle a bolt broke off in the lower plus the springs are sagging.
The 500 forks lowers have new seals in the them, I have a set of 550 forks, the right side seal is good and the left is bad and leaking, the right side fork is the one I need to remedy the broken drain bolt but that would still leave me with two different internal set ups and one side with a sag in it.
Can I transfer the fork tube and internals from a 550 over to the 500 lowers, put new fluid, and I'm good to go? Im asking because I don't really have the work space to do this in my condo parking lot, gonna work off my tailgate if its an easy swap.
thank you.