Author Topic: 500/550 forks will 550 internals slide into 500 lowers with good seals?  (Read 468 times)

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Offline Shtonecb500

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My 500 has about a half inch or inch sag in the front fork's bouncy as #$%* and I hate it. I press down, it bounces back but not all the way...I can lift up on the bars and see it travel another inch then drop back down.

I was tightening all he nuts and bolts, chain and stupidly put a wrench on my fork lower drain bolt at the very end and snapped the head of bolt right off. I crippled my bike so its just been sitting and bleeding out.

I don't have access to the shop I work out of for a few days so I'm not going to tackle a bolt broke off in the lower plus the springs are sagging.
The 500 forks lowers have new seals in the them, I have a set of 550 forks, the right side seal is good and the left is bad and leaking, the right side fork is the one I need to remedy the broken drain bolt but that would still leave me with two different internal set ups and one side with a sag in it.

Can I transfer the fork tube and internals from a 550 over to the 500 lowers, put new fluid, and I'm good to go? Im asking because I don't really have the work space to do this in my condo parking lot, gonna work off my tailgate if its an easy swap.

thank you.

73/74'' CB500/550 resto-mod - sold
75' 750f 91' cbr f2 swap cafe - mock up
74' 750 chopper hardtail - complete - sold
74' CB750/836kit - Black mix & match - daily rider - always tweaking
71' cb500 K0 survivor - complete
71' K1 - CANDY GOLD/BROWN Winton kit - in process

Offline bryanj

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As long as you keep the lowers as PAIRS and the complete fork leg with all internals AS PAIRS  you can swop lowers. What you can not do is have one 550 and one 500 leg or slider and you cannot swop internals.
Semi Geriatric ex-Honda mechanic and MOT tester (UK version of annual inspection). Garage full of "projects" mostly 500/4 from pre 73 (no road tax in UK).

Remember "Its always in the last place you look" COURSE IT IS YOU STOP LOOKIN THEN!

Offline Shtonecb500

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As long as you keep the lowers as PAIRS and the complete fork leg with all internals AS PAIRS  you can swop lowers. What you can not do is have one 550 and one 500 leg or slider and you cannot swop internals.

Ok, sweet thanks.

Ill swap 550 fork tubes and internals and slide them into the 500 lowers.
73/74'' CB500/550 resto-mod - sold
75' 750f 91' cbr f2 swap cafe - mock up
74' 750 chopper hardtail - complete - sold
74' CB750/836kit - Black mix & match - daily rider - always tweaking
71' cb500 K0 survivor - complete
71' K1 - CANDY GOLD/BROWN Winton kit - in process

Offline Scott S

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 Depends on what year 500. The very early 500 had different internals and I'm not 100% sure the lowers will swap.
'71 CB500 K0
'17 Triumph Street Scrambler
'81 Yamaha XS650

Offline bryanj

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Yes they will as long as the fork legs keep there internals, you can not swap internals between legs
Semi Geriatric ex-Honda mechanic and MOT tester (UK version of annual inspection). Garage full of "projects" mostly 500/4 from pre 73 (no road tax in UK).

Remember "Its always in the last place you look" COURSE IT IS YOU STOP LOOKIN THEN!