Thats what I'm talkin bout!!!!! that Gordon's frame kit there ya got chromed?? Very nice!!!! Been meaning to ask you Seaweb.....did you ever get your fork brace from Terry? I'm wanting one too and wonder if it makes a difference.Let me know.
The entire frame is chromed, the kit has been tig welded in. I will take some closer photos of the installation later for those that might be interested in putting your own in. (I know some guys still have it sitting on a shelf

The guys who did the frame work were a VERY small shop I was turned on to by my Chopper buddy on Island.
The shop looked like #$%* which scared me a bit, but I came around after about 10 mins. I'm pretty good at being aggressive enough when I want to do business, that you WILL NOT attempt something for me unless you have passed the 3 question test.
#1 Are they going to approach this job with enthusiasm? "always try and make them feel like THIS job is very important".
#2 Are they approaching this job with Exuberance? "Do they really want the job? Excited? "
#3 Are they approaching the job with unbridled Experience? ""Can they do it with my confidence?"
$400.00 bucks may seem a bit steep, but it was 3 1/2 hours for the frame cut/weld, also fixing/welding the bent steering lock and cut off the center stand hardware on the frame. All I know is"I cant weld yet" and it looks like they did a job well done.
Now as for your question about Terry..........................
That was 6 months ago.............where are ya dude? The 78 forks? The 72 forks? I'm not fussy

I did start this fork brace madness in you did I not?
How do Canadian dollars compare to US ones ?
(decimals have now been moved)
The costs of parts would be in US dollars. The CDN and US currency is almost at par. $1.10 CDN for a US $1.00
Basically the same-$670.00