This bike has been fun, but has had it's charging and carb issues. I have had to feather the choke while riding to get just the right touch.
I have tried changing up the air/fuel screw a couple of times now with not a lot of success and then I give up for a while, 1 1/2 rotation out, 1 rotation out etc.
Today I took her out for a spin with a small screwdriver in my pocket. This time I started with the screws 1/2 turn out and rode to the village. Still not right. next , tried 3/4 turn out on all 4 and POW!! Leaving the gas station I do an accidental burn out! I believe I have it hooking up correctly
It lights up at any rpm now
I'm not the brightest bulb in the house, but I was happy I had some success today.
It's the little things...