Author Topic: 1971 cb 350t probs. again  (Read 1572 times)

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1971 cb 350t probs. again
« on: January 26, 2007, 05:25:28 AM »
 I have ignition probs.  dead hole on the left side.  I cut the coil to put new wires and plug caps.  I got spark but left side exhaust still did not heat up.  I do have gas going to it so then on to points and condenser.  old points had material exchange on both points (divot on one side and extra material on the other)  so I bought new points condenser  set per honda manual.  still only got heated exhaust on the right side. 
Now my question:
could it be that I am having so many problems because I do not have a battery in the bike right now?
 I was just kickstarting it.

I was told that this could be a solution to my problem now.  can anyone else confirm this. I got this info from someone that is not always right about mechanic stuff.  so I dont want to go chasing more things.
does anyone have any Ideas of something that I might be missing.
Oh ya I also checked valve clearance as per manual and they checked to spec and carbs have been cleaned and rebuilt.

thanks guys

Offline dusterdude

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Re: 1971 cb 350t probs. again
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2007, 05:58:02 AM »
no battery?,so how is it starting at all?didnt notice if you said but did you exchange coils and wires for each side to see if the problem moves?good luck
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Re: 1971 cb 350t probs. again
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2007, 06:51:52 AM »
I just kickstarted the bike and it ran?  there is no battery at all on it, in it or connected to it. 

the coil thing was weird I always had spark on the right side and not always on the left  it depended how hard I kick over the bike.   so now when I start and run the bike< with all the new stuff on it, the right side exhaust still gets hot while the left stays cool.  when I pull the plugs the left side is wet and smells of gas while the right side plug is black.  It is like there is some goofy stuff going on because prior to installing the plugs I ground them to the engine to check spark and both sides have nice blue spark.  I have also quadruple checked the gaps and exchanged plugs.  I also triple checked point gap and used a test light to make sure each point was work after I hooked up a battery to the bike via jumper cables.  because this particular battery would not fit under the seat

hopefully this explains it a little better

Offline mgmuellner

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Re: 1971 cb 350t probs. again
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2007, 07:06:10 PM »
My 350 will run with very little charge.  Never tried without any battery.  It does run a lot better freshly charged
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Re: 1971 cb 350t probs. again
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2007, 05:30:06 AM »
thanks for the info.

I am going to pick up a battery today.  I think they are only like $19.

thakns again