I am thinking of building a plate mount off the rear of swingarm , that places the plate just above axle height BEHIND the tire. From the side the plate is mounted at either 10 o'clock or 2 o'clock, depends on side.
A long time ago I rolled 1/4 inch and 3/8 material to make a few with an pm inch radius.
So it looks pretty good, curved mount at the back.. got a fair idea of what I think we will do....but..
I don't mind looking at a few dozen pics to cent some extra ideas.
So WTF are these called i been looking. But don't have a name.. even stock Indian FTR has one stock..
Btw I want to mount off both sides, guess I better think about tire removal. Was thinking 1/2 thin tubing x2 each side. Maybe flatten the tubing to look oval, cept at the ends..
Anyone got a name for this style mount ?