Author Topic: New gaskets....dry seal or use something?  (Read 355 times)

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New gaskets....dry seal or use something?
« on: July 11, 2019, 06:55:29 PM »
So I ended up taking off my valve cover, stator cover and transmission? cover. SO I'm going to replace the gaskets. Do I need to or should I use some sort of lubricant or sealant or ?? when installing the new ones?

Couldnt find a forum about this hopefully I can get some answers.

Please let me know. I ended up buying some HT Hondabond but the seller (4into1) stated that that is only meant for if I have a leak.

What should I use?
1976/1977 Honda Cb750 "Odzilla"

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Re: New gaskets....dry seal or use something?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2019, 07:33:58 PM »
I use some Hondabond on the cover's side of those gaskets. The engine expands/contracts a lot more than these covers do, so don't put it on both sides or it will slowly delaminate the gasket over time. Or, use a non-setting sealant like (messy) Permatex#2 if you need to do both sides because of chipped surfaces, or something like it.
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

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