Well, that's a combined regulator/rectifier. Do you want the rectifier only? You can use this as one, connect only the molex plug, They should have no pwer on them but it's best to tape or heatshrink over the ends of the other wires.
But it's $60.00... plus shipping...
You can get a perfectly good 3 phase rectifier for a lot less. You need maybe a 20A device and at least a 100V PRV rating. These have 3 AC input terminals for the yellow wires plus negative and positive outputs. Usually they have 1/4" spade lugs so you just cut the old rectifier plug wires and crimp on insulated spade terminals.
Digikey, Electrosonic, and Mouser all have them and there may be a supplier near you. Probably $10 - $20 each.
A small heatsink is needed (note the fins on the OEM one): a square of 16ga aluminum ~2" bigger than the device's base is enough or there are lots of surplus/salvaged heatsinks for obsolete computer chips, you do not need a fan.
You can even make your own with 6 diodes. Same ratings - but you need to connect them and mount them somehow that heat can be removed, epoxied to a heatsink is fine.
If you can find cheap single phase bridges locally, use two: jumper them so the two "+" terminals are connected together, same with the "-" ones. Connect the 3 yellows to any 3 of the 4 AC terminals available.