The reason I remember it was Easter was due to the heavy traffic we encountered as we got to the Phoenix area; I would have expected it to be much lighter at that time of day. Shawn's tail light wasn't working, and I was trying my best to follow him close enough with the truck and trailer to keep anyone from cutting in front of me and taking him out, without rear ending him, plus if I lost him in traffic I had no idea where I was.

I think Shawn sold his 750 a year or two after that?? IIRC, he paid $300 for it, and it had been parked under a tree for years when he found it.

Justin still checks in here on SOHC from time to time. If IIRC, his was driving a truck then, and switched to being a gentleman farmer; I believe it was Stev-o that gave him the nickname of Justafarmer??