Author Topic: Strange bounce,40-50 mph, it's not the tires?  (Read 5283 times)

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Offline Dunk

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Re: Strange bounce,40-50 mph, it's not the tires?
« Reply #25 on: August 04, 2019, 05:45:52 PM »
Gotta be either out of true or out of balance. I need to true my K1 wheels again, I have a similar slight bounce or shake at about the same speed. Had it once before and truing the wheels fixed it. Seemed like this started after hitting a monster pothole, I tightened some loose spokes and did the best quick and dirty I could on the bike, which improved it, but I need to put the wheels on the stand and get them right.

Offline Deltarider

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Re: Strange bounce,40-50 mph, it's not the tires?
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2019, 10:58:02 PM »
Here's a routine I can advise to all of you. Whenever you are to renew a tyre, have a close inspection of the rim's inside. It's not unusual to see rust build up on the inner sides of the rim, where the tyre's rim sit. This can lead to a tyre not properly seated. So always inspect the rim's inside (edges) before putting on a new tyre and remove eventual rust. You can use a (sharp) screwdriver and a wire brush.
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