Author Topic: 76K Bogs from idle at WOT  (Read 365 times)

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Offline KillerBob

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76K Bogs from idle at WOT
« on: July 27, 2019, 03:27:37 PM »
Hi all, finally got playing around with my bike this summer and I'm trying to figure out an issue that has plagued it since I got it (over a decade). I've had the carbs synced and cleaned and put new airbox to carb boots on (old and hard).  It idles well, get's good mileage, and pulls hard in every gear and is a great bike except when I punch it in first off idle it'll bog and then catch up after a couple seconds. If I do it hard enough it'll stall. If I take off normally, it's fine.  I do have the MAC drag pipes on which may be an issue. Maybe that's just the way these bikes are, but I feel like I should be able to punch it fairly hard without it stalling out for a's like it's starving for fuel. It sounds like accelerator pump symptoms reading around on here but it's a K6. Everything stock except pipes. Any thoughts?

Thank you