Of course I just have to jump in here! For my restoration, I wanted as many new stainless fasteners as possible, didn't want to mess around with any plating and the like. For the specialized OEM bolts, I simply cleaned, polished and clear coated. For the motor I bought one of the aforementioned socket cap screw kits - well worth the $$$. For the rest of the bike, went to the trouble to identify all of the regular fasteners for each assembly. I examined each microfiche page and noted the various sizes and created a chart of everything, categorized by type, diameter & length. With completed list in hand, I wandered over to my local Fasten-all store and asked if they could fill the bill for what I had listed. While they couldn't provide everything, I'd say they had about 80% of what I needed. They have the ability to fill specific quantities in a case like this; a bounus for guys like me. For the harder to find stuff, I visited McMaster-Carr on the web. The down side to McMaster-Carr is that they sell in minimums, so if you needed say a 8 x 60 mm bolt, you might have to buy 25. The overage was minimal in my case so I still felt like I was doing better $$$-wise than trying to go through a Honda dealership or OEM. Their selection is very good also. For all the stainless I bought, I'd say I spent well under $200, including those McMaster-Carr orders. As for thread dressing, I simply used a NAPA product that I've been using for automotive applications for years. For posterity, I took this snap of all the old hardware. Your project will look so much better if you use new stainless!