My 9 year old granddaughter has expressed some interest in getting on two wheels. She recently had a chance to ride 4 wheelers with some of her friends and that's what started it.
Unfortunately, we don't have anywhere to ride 4 wheelers. BUT.... I offered to teach her how to ride on two wheels!
I know a PW80, Z50, etc, etc, are much better all around bikes. But we're limited to yard riding and keeping it in the neighborhood for now. Plus, the big wheels of the mini bikes seem to assure her a little more vs. a starter dirt bike.
I know there are different engine sizes, some with suspension, etc. Is there any real difference when it comes to these style mini bikes? I can find them very lightly used for around $300, give or take. If she really likes it and shows continued interest, I'll upgrade to a "real" motorcycle some day.
She's 48" tall and weighs 75 lbs.