Well first of all , that is not supporting anyone on the forum.. of course that must not be a requirement .
However any kit requiring welding, things can go wrong. One is, the welder, can screw up, it require planning
And careful positioning , or the frame section may be difficult or even impossible to remove.. and I can't imagine the fun of having to break the tacks, and repositioning.
You have to be careful with squareness of cuts, and the amount removed.
Any welded kit takes increased time to install, and the added expense of time or paying the welder..
Plus it's major work to try to ever reverse it and go back to stock, in an unnoticeable manner.
The Gordon kit had 4 or more pages of instructions, mine used one picture, and you can install it with a hacksaw, file and Allen wrenches. Some of The welded kits weigh around 4 lbs, mine weighs under 500 grams in the box ready to ship.