Remember slap me 5 or give me some skin , depends where you came from , it could start any meeting of 2 or more, could be used anytime in conversation as a sign of agreement ,and then again when all would part ways.
it all seemed normal back then, but what did I know, things were far out ,funky ,or solid . groovy , yeah I was there for that to but it was fading in the early 70's. The cops were the fuzz ,pigs ,the heat or the man. I was upstate NY not far from Woodstock so we knew all the lingo, so much more natural and easy to pick up unlike today's high tech talk and symbols which I find it hard to follow or connect with.
Dirty Harry, who didn't like dirty Harry or Bullet or the French connection back then? I saw them all recently and was amazed by the chase in the french connection , back then it was a great chase under the L , today it's Hackman couldn't couldn't drive to save his a$$. and Harry is still Harry your probably thinking in all this excitement did he shoot 5 or six , this is a 357 magnum ,the most powerful handgun in the world and can blow your head clean off.... Bullet well that's just timeless.