that rake is #$%*ing stupid man, no #$%*!itll throw all the handling to the #$%* house,it might be cool looks but it makes an otherwise pretty good handling for an old bike into a piece of #$%* handler,dont tell anyone it makes it better,its a disaster on #$%*ing wheels and pretty obvious,i think your just #$%*ing with us?
Jesus , did someone forget to take their angry pills this morning ?
We're supposed to be here to support and encourage each other regardless of individual idiosyncrasies which may lead us down some dark passageways, yes those forks and rake may make for some interesting handling characteristics but if that's what floats his boat then leave him to it. FFS, some people think restoration and originality is what everyone should be made to do, ' preserve a classic' sort of bullsh1t, which is another way of saying ' replicating yesterday's mistakes today'......
He didn't ask " why does my bike drift wide on tight corners and require a football field to do a U turn" , if he had then ,yes, slagging off that aspect of the bike would be appropriate but even then, a little more light hearted wouldn't hurt
Personally I still think it's the backrest.....