I am just finishing a '75 CB550K cafe project. I am starting to try to fire it up. I put in new carb kits, DynaS with coils, plugs, etc. etc. I put in a new, freshly charged battery but it will only crank the engine for about 12 -15 seconds before the battery runs down. The lights stay on and the starter feels warm. I have been unable to start the bike because it won't crank long enough. I put Raask rearsets on so the kickstarter won't fit. I have the (new aftermarket, dual element) turnsignals wired in to stay on like running lights when the headlight is on. Any ideas would be appreciated. Starter problem? The lights? Thanks!
I messed around a bit more, cleaned some connections to ground, etc. It still runs out of juice soon, but the bike is starting and, for the first time in over a year, is running!! Off to the shop for some adjustments and chain install and, hopefully, I'll be riding by next weekend. Thanks for the help everyone. BTW: I'm new on this site.Is there a picture post?