Good idea Per, but I'd much rather it was on my Rocket III or RC51. OK, back to the booze. So tonight I decided to bottle the first batch, my logic being that as I'll be away from Sunday, I can watch it for a couple of days and hopefully assure myself that nothing's gonna go BANG! While I'm away. First job was to sterilise or at least, sanitise, the bottles. I love my bottle sanitiser/bottle drainer, all the way from Italy!
Thursday Brew Bottling 12 Sep 2019 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I used this auto-filler, great piece of kit and worth the 4 bucks I paid for it. You can leave the drum tap on and just keep filling bottles super quick. If you're doing some brewing and you don't have one, get one.
Thursday Brew Bottling 12 Sep 2019 3 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
So as not to confuse my tiny mind, I filled and capped 6 bottles at a time, to make sure I didn't forget to drop a carbonation drop (sugar lolly) into each bottle. I still almost forgot the last 4 bottles and had to pop the tops so I could drop a lump into each bottle.
Thursday Brew Bottling 12 Sep 2019 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I only had one minor disaster when the float assembly of the auto filler fell into a bottle and I wasted about half a mouthful of ginger toe on the floor. Luckily the floor was pretty clean, so I licked it all up before the wife caught me. Waste not, want not.......... I didn't have enough empty Ginger joe bottles, so I used a box of 15 PET bottles that are designed specifically for brewing. Good stuff.
Thursday Brew Bottling 12 Sep 2019 1 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
So by the end of all my labours, I had 44.25 litres of delicious all natural, home brewed Ginger Beer. I did a quick measure with my hydrometer and this stuff is kicking out 5% alkyhole, so I'll confer with the Brew Meister (Spotty) to see if the ABV ("Alcohol By Volume" ) increases after the carbonation stage? 10% would be great...........
Thursday Brew Bottling 12 Sep 2019 4 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I decided not to risk leaving it inside the house, so I took it all out to the garage, and to confine it in case it does explode, I loaded it all into my industrial oven. Being in the garage, the carbonation/fermentation process will slow compared to keeping it inside where it's nice and warm, but even though we are just coming into Spring, it's not too cold at the moment, and it'll be warming up over the next few weeks. I think I'll take a peek daily, but otherwise leave it alone until I come home in a week's time, thirsty from all my travelling. Hopefully........

Thursday Brew Bottling 12 Sep 2019 5 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr