If you see 60psi at the gallery, the pump is OK. The valvegear gets oil through small orifice restrictors, not a lot of oil is needed up there and it isn't pressure fed to the cam "bearings", cam faces, and rocker faces etc. like the main bearings require... this lets enough oil through to lube the valvegear and maintains system pressure for what needs it.
A total lack of top end oil means, fairly quickly, major damage. Looking in the tappet covers, are the parts visibly wet with oil?
Yes? might be OK but further inspection would be good. You should see slinging drops or mist in there with the engine running, much of the lubrication is via splash from the rotating cam. No oil flying around = something is wrong.
No? needs disassembly and full inspection for valvegear damage, and to see why the oil flow has been blocked. The bottom end can be assumed OK as you have had good oil pressure.
The question about silicon is important. Using silicon to seal gaskets and particularly the main case split will make a lot of little silicon chunks from where the stuff squeezes out on assembly tightening. These just fall off pretty quickly when the engine heats up, fall into the oil. Not a big problem, the oil filter will catch chunks... until the oil filter gets clogged with them, causing the filter bypass valve to open and let them on into the oil gallery.
Naturally anything that can't go through the restrictor orifice will jam in it and block oil flow. Reduced flow is not unusual, total blockage is pretty rare.
I don't know why Threebond/Hondabond doesn't do this. Maybe if someone went nuts with it and put a 1/4" bead around the case split it would, you want a very thin bead or film. But I have not see problems with the correct sealant used.