Jake...... if the petcock is the older style with a spin off style bowl/filter screen assembly, fuel runs into the TOP of the tube, when in the “ON” position. You can probably see the tube, if you peer in through the filler opening (and use a bright flashlight)? When you go on “RES” the fuel flows directly from the bottom of the tank, through a small hole at the base of the tube, that leads right to the bowl. If you’ve never removed the petcock, it’s probably full of crud. If your petcock lever retaining plate is held on with small screws, you can take it off and blow some compressed air up the ports under the lever. It may clear it temporarily? Take the tank off and have it on your bench, petcock side up, so the small amount of fuel is in the other 1/2 of the tank, and won’t leak out.
MOST IMPORTANT, have the gas cap open when you blow in air and go easy. Small, short blasts!