Author Topic: Crankshaft oil seal & primary chain tensioner  (Read 746 times)

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Offline The Gurg

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Crankshaft oil seal & primary chain tensioner
« on: September 23, 2019, 01:27:10 PM »
The crankshaft oil seal is a fraction further out at the bottom than the top. I made sure the seal was seated correctly in the bottom half before mating the cases, but did not check the top (a million things to check and trying to work quickly. The seal was seated correctly in the small notch in the bottom.  I think it’s fine, but thought I would check with you guys.

The cam chain got wedged between the primary chain tensioner and the case. I was very gentle with the tensioner, but did apply slight pressure to get the cam chain free. Again probably fine, but wanted to see what you guys thought.

Offline Don R

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Re: Crankshaft oil seal & primary chain tensioner
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2019, 09:20:52 PM »
 I'm betting it's all OK. Easy for me to say though. The case appears to be closed up at the seal.
   A friend had a leaking gasket on a big block chevy causing his vacuum pump to suck air and fill with oil. I told him to blow into the valve cover vent and spray soapy water on the possible leaks. He was sure I was joking and would snap a pic and post it on facebook. I walked away, he tried and it worked, the distributor gasket was leaking.
 I'd guess on a 750 you might need to tape off or plug the oil hose and low vent openings but that might give you some confidence to continue.
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Offline jgger

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Re: Crankshaft oil seal & primary chain tensioner
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2019, 10:18:55 PM »
So that was a "Blown" Chevy the cheap way?

I freaked for a second looking at the 2nd pic, thought the case was cracked. Then I saw the pic was rotated 90°. It is probably ok but if this is something that is going to haunt you and make you loose sleep then split it back open. Alot easier now than later, plus no gaskets to contend with unless you proceed.
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Offline The Gurg

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Re: Crankshaft oil seal & primary chain tensioner
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2019, 08:24:53 AM »
I’m noticing now that the top half of the case has a little overhang around the seal. The bottom half of the case that goes around the seal has less material and more of a bevel. So I think that the overhang is what I am feeling/seeing rather than poor seating of the seal.

The bottom of the seal was definitely seated correctly, I used Threebond around the outside of the seal  too. The groove isn’t set that far out, but I think if the top missed the groove entirely, it’d be set toward the crankshaft more than it is.

Appreciate you guys helping!