Tonight I installed my Cone Eng Quiet-er muffler. I have to say I was impressed . It really did quiet the bike considerably. I started the bike. It’s only the second time since redoing the carbs. Also I haven’t clear tube tested or vacuum synced yet.
Unlike my first time firing it up a few days ago, the smoke was pretty heavy. Not “can’t see the bike for the smoke” heavy but still pretty thick. The smoke is gray in color. Not sooty black or bluish white. Just a constant gray smoke. Is this something that can be adjusted/worn out or am I looking at major surgery?
Few more points. The tank has about a gallon of fresh gas but it was coated in marvel mystery oil. As I said the muffler is new. Not sure if it would have a break in period. Lastly all 4 pipes were hot. I assume that means all 4 cylinders are firing at least part of the time.
I’m including a small file to show the smoke and maybe to the trained ear, it might have a tell tale sound. Not sure why it was so dark, it wasn’t as late as it looks