I discovered that yeah, my triple and my fork tubes, front shocks, front wheel, caliper, basically my whole front end - everything except the handlebars, controls, and gauges, were taken from a DOHC from ~1980 or one of those similar model years. maybe some day I'll get a stock triple on it so I don't have to use a bracket I made to make the gauges fit right haha. As of now though, it works pretty well.
Not sure if the caliper from the DOHC is any better than the stock k7 one, but it works pretty well now that I replaced the master cylinder and got steel brake lines. It's almost scary how much better the brakes work lol. I gotta be careful not to lock up the wheel now.
Turn signals were taken from an old Kawasaki too! They're bar mounted. The bike is slowly getting less jenky. Although I did have to do my own tank paint job. I did my best.
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