Not wanting a debate, just wanting understanding: why are there torque values if you don’t torque to spec on the pan? I can understand if you are moving fast and experienced, that you don’t need to, but if your inexperienced like me I thought using a torque wrench on non-internal motor parts was like training wheels on a bicycle?
I watched a hackaweek video right before this happened, where he takes a click torque wrench and tightens them right up to 96 inch pounds with no issues. I do it and it breaks. Trying to understand why. I didn’t go back for a second pass or anything. Just never got a click, but did on several other fasteners on the pan. I did brush motor oil on the threads and then wipe it off with a paper towel before starting. I know oiled fasteners is a debate in the mechanic community.
Also, why no washers? I can understand that maybe I don’t need them. But do they harm anything? Which year used washers?
The torque wrench I’m using is a Craftsman 9-31423 25-250 in.lbs 3/8" Drive Microtork Torque Wrench. I know that Craftsman isn’t what it once was. But I wouldn’t think of a $70 wrench as completely worthless.
I have a 6mm bottoming tap, but both breaks were outside of the engine case, close to the head of the bolt. I used a small pen light and inspected the threads and holes. They look great, so I’m not going to run the tap.