today i had my cb750 engine taken apart for the second time, this time done by a local professional shop, and the discoveries were ridiculously alarming.. the issue i was having (heard in the orignal post video) was due to 2 major issues that went wrong in the initial top end rebuild..
1, oil gallery to the top end of the engine was clogged on one side, which resulted in a ruined camshaft and holder.. as you can see in the pics, 2 o-rings snug around the rod blocked any oil trying to go up into the cam and the other side had no o-ring at all.
2, valves were completely off
3&4, other careless things that results in damaged dowels.. see pics
long story short, i wanted to post this as an example to others to prevent anyone else from having this happen to them... i was somewhat worried and intimidated to rebuild the engine myself (also lacked tools for valves/machining etc) but going forward with the help of this forum, i will be attempting everything myself or using this amazing local shop have only recently found out about. i trusted a guy with "experience" on CBs who worked out of a home garage part time and the results show. glad i caught the issues when i did and didnt ride this season..