My son and I did a super Trail Ride yesterday, on two lovely Honda CRF250’s. 6-8 degrees Celsius and today was even cooler. I have four cb70K’s we ride together and in the next few weeks, slowly packing them away for the Winter. Realistically, they won’t be back out for 5-6 months...... Aarrgh!
I do leave my ‘09 Kawasaki KLR650 closest to the shop door, for those rare, sunny days. In the dead of winter, I just open the door and run it once in a while. The other Hondas get the same winter prep.. I started today, with the ‘75 750F. Drained the gas completely and refilled with fresh “super” and Seafoam. I leave the gas line off, and attach a long length of clear line to the petcock. The other end is plugged, but it allows me to see if the petcock is holding. Bowl and screen get cleaned out. Next, I drain and remove all the float bowls, floats, fuel valves, pilot and main jets. Everything gets cleaned and blown dry. The jets go in carb clean for and hour first. Blow out the fuel lines and put it all back together. Battery goes in a rack, charged a few times over winter.
My shop never freezes (I keep it around 12-15 degrees Celsius and wear quilted overalls), but I wrap the tank with a heavy towel as insulation. Bike gets a good cleaning, then a lightweight dust cover. In theory, it should be ready to go next Spring. One down, three to go (plus the Benelli SEI).
Anything else?