I had built a K7 cafe back in the day, rode it for 3 years and loved it. My brother has had a bunch of 750 parts in his shed. For 15 years, every time i saw my brother i asked him "watcha gonna do with the 750 parts?" "watcha gonna do with the 750 parts?" 2 months ago when I asked he said "take them with you" so I squealed like a girl and ran home and got my trailer. Ended up with 8 baskets of parts which is equivalence of 2 750's minus one frame, a K7 and a K2 framed. so i,m building a K2 with some K7 parts and having a blast doing some midnight mechanics. I love reading the sohc4 and getting ideas from others.
Ill be with you guys a while. Thanks for having me.