Good day to all of you!
Today I found your forum and I was very pleased to find an answer on a question I had about quite some time: the cold start. following the tips some of you gave are really working. So happy!
So, I decided to register. I am Dutch but live in Barcelona, Spain. Yeah, the region where the police beat the #$%* out of their own people...
But, the important part, the bike. I bought it some 3 years ago and although the previous owner called it "restored", it looked quite awful. After some work I have it like I want it, only after some 4 to 4 mufflers but I think I found them in reasonable shape. It is a K0 but it had some changes made. I decided to use the K2 gauges because I liked them more but I might change them back to get original. Also do I think that the original buddy may look better, what do you guys think?
Today it looks like this:

I think it is a lovely bike!