I've been using LiFe batteries since 2011, including the first three relays.

1) LiFe batteries are much lighter than lead acid batteries.
2) LiFe batteries are much more expensive than lead acid batteries for the same capacity.
3) LiFe batteries do not self discharge like lead acid, so do not require maintenance charging.
4) LiFe batteries prefer having a maximum charging voltage of 14.4V; the original Rick's regulator didn't cut off the voltage until something like 14.9V, and I've personally seen spikes as high as 15.5+V with a stock mechanical regulator with an LiFe battery.

The Lithium specific Rick's reg claims to limit the voltage to 14.0V, +/- .2V. Shorai recommends 13.9-14.4 V.
Bottom line is if you don't know what you are doing, you can waste a lot of money ruining expensive batteries, with little to no gain.