A green tree frog dropped into his local bank to ask for a loan to buy his first motorcycle.
He was introduced to the banks loans officer.
"Hello" she said,"my name is Patricia Wack"
"Hello" the frog said, "I'm Jim Jagger, l'd like to get a loan to buy a motorcycle"
Ms Wack "I'm afraid we don't usually give loans to small green tree frog's".
The frog "But my father is Mick Jagger and he told me that he knows the manager".
Ms Wack "Do you have any collateral"?
The frog thought for a moment, then reached into his pocket and produced a small porcelain figurine.
Ms Wack took the figurine, and went to see the manager.
"Excuse me sir I have a small green tree frog asking for a loan, he has offerd this as collateral and I'm not sure what to make of it".
The manager looks over the top of his glasses at his loans officer and said,
It's a nick nack Paddywack
Give the frog a loan
His old man is a Rolling Stone