Author Topic: how to replace fuel connector orings the easy way cb400f 1976  (Read 1447 times)

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Offline Redline it

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how to replace fuel connector orings the easy way cb400f 1976
« on: December 02, 2019, 01:20:11 AM »
for cb owners that's never fixed leaky fuel connector orings.
the manual adds unnecessary steps by how it describes the total disassembly and the separation of each carburetor which makes it complicated and time consuming.
with the carbs in your lap fully assembled. bowls left on. fuel line and vent lines still attached to carb. as long as vent lines are not tied together, choke shaft connectors should come apart and reconnected without adjusting and screws, just align them.
the simple way, remove:
1 throttle return spring. set aside.
2 both dust plate B (4 nuts, 4 thin washers, 2 dust plate Bs, and 4 thick washers.) set aside with the spring.
3what would have been 3, do not loosen the large brass caps. they have a spring loaded socket that's easy to loose "IF" you can get the caps off without damaging what it does.
3 loosen the right side throttle shaft lever pinch bolt (the lever is keyed to the throttle shaft, don't loose the key when sliding the lever off.)
4 remove all 8 stay screws. keep within reach.
5 work in pairs 1/2 and 3/4 keep those together, first remove 3/4 set by gently spreading at the center until the fuel inlet T just clears its hole. slide the 2 right carbs off and the keyed throttle lever, set them aside. put the key in the parts pile.
6 pull the T out and change orings, clean the hole, lube the orings or wet them and put the T into the side that the front alignment pin/dowel/spring anchor is in.
7 pull the 3/4 carbs apart gently, only until the vent line separates leave the vent connector line on whichever side it stays on  then pivot the carbs enough to have room to pull the plastic fuel connector out to change orings, keep both connected carbs as close to evenly spaced  or the same angle as you can during the whole process. , clean the hole and put it back, realign that pair fuel and vent lines and choke lever,  and press together. set those aside
8 swing the stay away from 1/2carbs only you keep the 1/2 carbs together with the front stay,  and do the same to that pair, change the orings, press back together.
9 put carbs 3/4 onto 1/2 carbs at the same time sliding the throttle shaft lever over the key, all you gotta watch for is the chokes are going   in their positions the choke lever, and the T is going in straight while the dowel or pin is aligned and going in straight.
10 look at the carbs for being even everywhere then tighten the stay screws and the keyed lever. put the spring on, your done. bench check for leaks, bowl levels and sync before putting back on. use a strap holding the airbox back when feeding the carbs back in.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2019, 01:24:27 AM by Redline it »