Hondaman - I've seen you refer to the CB250 four a few times but I can't find any information on this model at all. Do you have any details about them ?
I sure wish I had one...
The Japanese loved Honda's Fours, but in Japan then (maybe even still today?) there is a very expensive penalty built into the license fee for bikes bigger than 250cc (and back then, another at 350cc, 450cc, 550cc, 650cc and 750cc, hence the typical engine sizes of 325cc, 444cc, 544cc, 736cc, etc.). Sochiro loved his 350F and reportedly felt for his countrymen about it (and they reportedly clamored for it), so they took the Baby Four and installed [even] smaller pistons, and [I am told] smaller yet carbs. It makes 17 BHP and tops out around 80 MPH brand new, so in the USA it wouldn't sell, it was thought, despite its 11,000 RPM redline. American servicemen stationed in Japan thought differently, though, and brought quite a few of those home with them in the 1980s. They show up now and then, usually in poor shape, in swap meets. One rider here in Colorado bought what he thought was a 350F engine for his ailing Baby Four from the big meet in Brighton (about 12 years ago, IIRC): when he went to swap engines he discovered it was actually stamped "CB250F-nnnn" and even wrote about it here. He apparently swapped it in, but left these forums before I could make a date to go see it.