Author Topic: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..  (Read 41264 times)

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Offline BomberMann650

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Re: 20 Rides in 2020..
« Reply #50 on: February 07, 2020, 06:13:04 PM »
Forget the car, I want the trike and trailer with the curtains.

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: 20 Rides in 2020..
« Reply #51 on: February 21, 2020, 05:10:17 PM »
OK, so my first "maiden voyage" on my Z1000 based "Mad Max" bike might have only been 16 miles with a 1 hour breakdown in the middle due to some frayed wiring, but it was still my first ride for 2020, so 1 down, 19 to go! ;D

Terry's big black Zed's first ride 17 Feb 2020 by Terry Prendergast, on Flickr

Terry's big black Zed's first ride 17 Feb 2020 1 by Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline 754

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Re: 20 Rides in 2020..
« Reply #52 on: February 21, 2020, 05:19:22 PM »
No it's 20 rides of 100 miles or more.. a 600 mile day counts for one ride , so does 105 miles.
 I expect someone will knock off all 20 by around May...
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: 20 Rides in 2020..
« Reply #53 on: February 22, 2020, 02:30:19 AM »
Bugger! Oh well, no biggie, the Kawasaki's not legally on the road yet anyway. I'll just have to spend less time on projects, and more time on riding! ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline BallAquatics

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Re: 20 Rides in 2020..
« Reply #54 on: February 22, 2020, 06:20:59 AM »
I expect someone will knock off all 20 by around May...

LOL  Just starts warming up around here in May...

Dennis...  74 CB550  79 CBX  82 Seca Turbo  2011 CBR  2012 NC700X

You will regret the bikes you DIDN'T buy much more than the ones you DID!!!  It's never too late to start a new adventure!

Offline 754

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Re: 20 Rides in 2020..
« Reply #55 on: February 22, 2020, 08:41:23 AM »
Someone will go after it... I would if I had more loot..
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
Kelowna B.C.       Canada

My next bike will be a ..ANFOB.....

It's All part of the ADVENTURE...

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Offline dave500

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Re: 20 Rides in 2020..
« Reply #56 on: February 22, 2020, 12:33:32 PM »
been raining week after week here,was going today with a coupla guys but you guessed it,#$%*ing raining again.

Offline BomberMann650

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Re: 20 Rides in 2020..
« Reply #57 on: February 23, 2020, 02:44:09 PM »
I expect someone will knock off all 20 by around May...

Trying to delay my launch date to avoid getting marooned before august.

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Re: 20 Rides in 2020..
« Reply #58 on: February 23, 2020, 03:49:25 PM »
Well, 20 rides for me in 2020 is not problem. It'll just be done in 1/8th mile and 1/4 mile increments each time🤣

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: 20 Rides in 2020..
« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2020, 12:05:51 PM »
Well, 20 rides for me in 2020 is not problem. It'll just be done in 1/8th mile and 1/4 mile increments each time🤣

Nope, that'll be a fail since Frank increased it to 20 rides of 100 miles or more mate, so no cigar for you. I'm lucky, I've just signed up for "The Big Ride" this year, that supports prostate cancer research.

8 or 9 lazy 200-300 mile days on my 2300cc Triumph Rocket III staying in comfy motel beds with hot showers and hot breakfasts each day, while (hopefully) getting paid for the pleasure.

I've just been advised that I'll also need to do an advanced riders course between now and then, so that should be good for another couple hundred miles, once again, on the company dime. ;D

I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline 754

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #60 on: February 24, 2020, 12:56:19 PM »
It was 100 miles rides right from the getgo..
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
Kelowna B.C.       Canada

My next bike will be a ..ANFOB.....

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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #61 on: February 24, 2020, 03:34:45 PM »
Wasn't the title just "20 rides in 2020" before you changed it Frank? How many will you do? ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline jakec

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #62 on: February 24, 2020, 03:42:07 PM »
I remember when it was posted, it was 100. I thought that cause I checked my last ride to see if it qualified. How about this though, what if I make a bunch of stops, take a ferry, have lunch, etc etc, is that still a 100 mile ride?
1970 CB750 K0
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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #63 on: February 24, 2020, 04:06:12 PM »
Ha ha, probably not mate, Frank knocked Dave back because he rode 160 Km, which he thought was 100 miles until Frank checked and said that in fact, 100 miles was 162 Km's, so not worthy of this thread!

I think I'll start a rival thread, just called "20 miles in 2020", so most of us get to qualify! ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline 754

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #64 on: February 24, 2020, 04:13:06 PM »
 Read the first post, clearly 100 miles.. in a day , stop when you like. .as much as you like.,
 I was just messing with Dave, far as I know he was first..
 A 10 to 20 mile ride ... I do 200 a year.. .. not much of a challenge.  I just want people to get some seat time, not just Tavern to Tavern riding or work..
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
Kelowna B.C.       Canada

My next bike will be a ..ANFOB.....

It's All part of the ADVENTURE...

73 836cc.. Green, had it for 3 decades!!
Lost quite a few CB 750's along the way

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #65 on: February 24, 2020, 04:15:59 PM »
Ha ha, it was a joke Frank, you've gotta stop taking things so seriously! ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline dave500

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #66 on: February 29, 2020, 05:18:42 PM »
here ya go Frank,ya owe me a coupla miles!

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #67 on: March 08, 2020, 01:04:25 AM »
Pfffft, you guys and your measly hundred mile rides make me wanna puke. Today I drove the 200 miles back from my Ma's place in my big leather armchaired Ford, and when I got home around 1pm, I felt like either having a snooze, or going for a ride. My desire for a ride was the winner, so I grabbed my nearest bike, my old Sportster, and wound the odo back to zero.

Sunday, bloody Sunday 8 Mar 2020 by Terry Prendergast, on Flickr

I ran the fcuking thing out of fuel on my way to the gas station because I have always left the petcock on "on" (doesn't have the same problem with cylinder filling/leaks like on our old fours) so to turn it to reserve, I had to get out my pliers to turn the petcock lever to "reserve". It fired right up again, and I put 11.2 litres of 91 RON in the 12 litre tank.

This confuses me somewhat, because it "pinged" on acceleration on 91. I never put 98 in it because it's not running high compression (carb, not EFI) and the ignition timing is fixed in the factory, but anyhoo,, apart from the pinging, it still went like a cut snake, and I had a ball dodging cops (everywhere) pizzling baggers and Yama-harleys, and annoying sports bike riders who had to lift their game to get away from me in the corners. Sporty's also love dirt riding, so I did a little "Adventure riding", where only BMW and KTM riders woould fear to tread.

Sunday, bloody Sunday 8 Mar 2020 1 by Terry Prendergast, on Flickr

The other side of that hill is a drop steeper than Spotty's driveway, all gravel, and only used by 4 wheelers, so I left my hand off the front brake, and only used the back when necessary. No biggie, it took it in it's stride, and I had a great ride thru Whittlesea, King Lake West, and on to Yea, where I stopped for a delicious chicken and vegetable pie and a cup of coffee.

Sunday, bloody Sunday 8 Mar 2020 2 by Terry Prendergast, on Flickr

The day was getting on, it was cooling down some, so I bolted for home, refilling the gas tank in Whittlesea rather than fighting the reserve tap if it was getting close to empty, after 230 Km (143.75 miles) of fun in the sun. This time I filled it with 98 RON, and no pinging! Ran like a top, and felt like it had more mumbo, according to my "seat of the pants dynamometer". I'm having CT guided injections into my spine on Friday, so probably won't be in a position to do a lot of miles next weekend. Such is life, I'm 60 on Wednesday, so it's not getting any easier. ;D

Sunday, bloody Sunday 8 Mar 2020 3 by Terry Prendergast, on Flickr   
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline seanbarney41

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #68 on: March 08, 2020, 03:29:42 PM »
Ok, first blood...on my gs1100.  Really nice day in sw michigan.
If it works good, it looks good...

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #69 on: March 08, 2020, 04:10:12 PM »
Good job Sean, those old 16 valve Suzy's were weapons, I was never taken with their looks, but thought one of those engines, (particularly the 1150 black engine) would go well in one of my GS1000's, which were a much prettier bike. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline seanbarney41

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #70 on: March 08, 2020, 04:33:31 PM »
Yeah, she is kinda weird and tubby looking, but she gets on down the road real good.
If it works good, it looks good...

Offline bear

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #71 on: March 08, 2020, 07:11:20 PM »
Best motor's ever in my opinion.
Absolutely bulletproof if you replace the bevel primary drive and the clutch rivets.
( only required with hp motors)

The older I get the faster I was.

Offline Kelly E

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #72 on: March 09, 2020, 08:42:41 AM »
I have a 1980 GS 1100E waiting for me to finish the 83' Ascot that I am resurrecting now. These things will make you giggle in your helmet when you go WFO. 8)
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1975 Honda CB 400F Super Sport                          1972 MGB/GT
1977 Kawasaki KZ 1000 LTD                                   1985 GMC S15
1978 Kawasaki KL 250
1980 Suzuki GS 1100E
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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #73 on: March 09, 2020, 12:14:59 PM »
Best motor's ever in my opinion.
Absolutely bulletproof if you replace the bevel primary drive and the clutch rivets.
( only required with hp motors)


Yep, they copied Kawasaki's big zeds but put them in a better frame, t heir only fcuckup was their primary drive, to reduce noise, as if anyone cared about the gear noise in a big zed, thats part of the allure! They sure made some ugly ones but. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: 20 Rides 100miles or more, in 2020..
« Reply #74 on: March 14, 2020, 03:58:32 AM »
Well I had CT scanner guided injections of cortisone (bigg No-No for bariatric patients, like me) into my spine yesterday, but wanted to go to the Mad Max day at Maryborough today. Woke up a bit sore, so took so took some drugs which affected my judgement your honor, when I cruised at speeds of up to 190 KPH (119 MPH) on my old Sporty. I did the 2 hour drive in under 90 minutes, but was wobbling around like a drunk when I got off my bike, oh well. Lots of Zeds (KZ's in the US) but not a CB750. (or any Honda SOHC) to be seen.

The ride home was quite painful, the pain was back, the head wind was awful, it was cold, and at one stage I had to stop my bike, park it, and walk back half a mile to retrieve my aftermarket "Lockable" fuel cap I bought to replace the OEM item ,which I was worried that, being a "non lockable" item, would get stolen.

Anyway, still had a great day, have taken lots of drugs since I got home, turned the heater on, and changed into warmer clothes, and am on my third bottle of "Ginger Jesus" which will make something of a record for me post surgery, around 10 standard drinks. Anyhoo, had a great day, looked at some great film replica bikes and cars, got a ride on an original 1974 Z1 with only 27000 miles (that felt gutless, compared to my 140 RW BHP Z1000 beasty) but added another 351 Km (220 miles) to my 2020 total.

Suck it up boys, I'm gonna win this competition, on an old Harley! (or a Triumph, Kawasaki, or non-SOHC4, unless I get time to rebuild my old K2 bitsa  ) ;D

March Mad Max madness 14 Mar 2020 by Terry Prendergast, on Flickr

March Mad Max madness 14 Mar 2020 2 by Terry Prendergast, on Flickr

March Mad Max madness 14 Mar 2020 6 by Terry Prendergast, on Flickr

Mad Max day 14 March 2020 2 by Terry Prendergast, on Flickr

Mad Max day 14 March 2020 drugs by Terry Prendergast, on Flickr   
« Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 04:11:27 AM by Terry in Australia »
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)