Ride #10 131miles 48mpg 84F
I left home this morning about 915am and that’s the earliest out the door for me this year. It paid off quickly as there was quite a bit less traffic and the air was cooler and perfect for jacket wearing. My first stop was at the busy state boat launch on Portage lake in Washtenaw county. Many pontoon boats are in use here as the inland lakes are not so large that would require a deep V hull. The launch parking area was full so the gate was closed to any more boaters.
I went on by Hell, there was a fun run underway and many runners in Patterson Lake rd. The devil himself was standing by in Hell today, but I kept my distance from him as I don’t want any of what he is sharing. The sailplanes were out At Richmond field near Gregory but not yet airborne as the Sandhill soaring club was preparing for soaring on this gorgeous day.
My mid-ride stop was at McDs in Stockbridge. I’m wearing my new helmet and gloves today. The helmet is very quiet compared to the old one. The gloves are comfy, with the gel pad in the palm. The gloves are a little warmer as they have the least bit of liner. Afterwards on to the Waterloo farm museum Antique farm equipment show. The star of the show was the 39 Chevy truck, beautifully restored. Also present was the self contained mobile shop, containing drill press, lathe, table saw, grinder all powered by a small stationary engine. Rumely oil pull tractor, Deere stationary engines. Dang, I can’t get the videos to post here.
After leaving the show, I met a scooter on Seymour road, then a couple more. I could smell the Klotz. At the end of Seymour there was a swarm, 80? 100? scooters. I stumbled in to the Mid-Michigan scooter club Annual ride to the Big House in Ann Arbor. I weaved my way through the horde and went on ahead down Clear Lake road and then to Chelsea, Dexter. Plymouth and home.
All in all, a terrific ride and I’m halfway home to 20/100/2020.