If you have the cam timing so wrong that you cannot get any compression, the valves are bent so it isn't going to be that because you poured kerosene into all the combustion chambers when you took the head off again to check the seal and it all stayed there, didn't you?
So it has to be something else. Try removing the tappet covers and then slackening the tappet nuts and adjusters fully so that the lash is massive on all eight valves. If the engine turns freely with the plugs out, you should now be able to test for some compression with a cork in the plug hole and the electric start. Spin it over and recover the cork from where it lands. If you now have compressionon all four, there is a shop manual on this site that will tell you exactly how to set the engine up to factory specification. Follow it to the letter and if there is anything that you do not understand fully, ask us.
If you don't, you have not seated the head properly over the gasket or you have either damaged or forgotten to reinstall the piston rings.