My brother had a brand new 500 four back in '71 and whilst he had a few new Hondas over the years, it was the one that stood out the most for me (Man that sound!)
Unfortunately he passed away a number of years ago and I always thought it would be nice to do one. My background has always been Motocross and I've restored plenty of Mxers but never a multi 4 (everything's four times more expensive!

I looked endlessly over the past 12 months or so but couldn't come up with one that suited. The few I found were either too original to restore or too far gone for me to take on as a first go.
Jon Munn from Seaford in Victoria (Yes the drag racing champ) came up with this American import which was a bit knocked about and a non starter, but good bones for a resto.
The carbs were totally gunked but after dropping some OEM jets, needles etc, she fired up last weekend and sounded pretty sweet.
I'll post up a blow by blow description the resto page here as time and dollars permit.
My biggest problem at the moment is tracking down either a good set of used 4 into 4's for it or a repo set which seem to be NLA by whoever was making them.