Made a list of missing “brackets and bits”........
- 14 small ones for key switch, horn, air box, tool box, batt. box, turn signals and more.
- brackets for side and centre stand.
- extend front fairing mount, missing head light mounting portion.
- build new fairing side mounts (race fairing only used two X dzus fasteners, want stock look).
- lic. plate bracket below tail light.
- add tabs to stock battery box for updated ignition/ electrical components.
- fabricate tach and speedo mounting plate. Incorporate 4 X dash indicator lights.
Lot’s to do, but hey every place else is closed! Bike shows: cancelled. Club meeting: cancelled. Sunday breakfast get together......... cancelled. Planning to sneak off for first 2020 ride with a buddy, Friday. Assuming my 2008 KLR650 starts (and I know it will!).