The ferry trip wasn’t part of any of my previous 258 plans
I wanted to go from Jordan through the SW corner of Syria to Lebanon and take a ferry from there to Turkey. However the application for a Syrian visa was going to take
at least one month, with no guarantee of a positive outcome, so that was out. That left Israel as my only option, short of waiting for summer and then going back to the original plan through Iran, and the only ship that would take me and the bike was this one. There was another that would ship the bike only, but I didn’t fancy that.
This ship was initially supposed to leave on 24th Jan and arrive in Salerno 5-6 days later. It eventually left Ashdod on 29th and then took the rather roundabout route shown earlier. Today we are due to arrive in Salerno and may, or may not, have a vacant berth so we can disembark; otherwise we may have to sit at anchor until one becomes available - maybe tomorrow.
But back to the noise! Initially I too thought it was the speedo and when that packed up, the tacho. There was clearly an issue with the speedo and/or drive because the speedo needle was bouncing all over teh place and the drive rotated clockwise from its normal position until it was pointing towards 11 o’clock. When it stopped altogether, I found the speedo cable broken. Replacing it with a universal cable didn’t make it work again, so I think the problem is internal. Now I have no cable in there but the noise remains.
Then the tacho packed up too. This was replaced with a (too long, but working) cable from a CG125, that I was given by the guys at Jordan Honda in Amman. Noise remains.
I haven’t been able to have the bike supported while I spin the wheel, but I leaning towards the bearings now - and away from the speedo drive. The bearings are SKF, replaced before I started, so in theory at least, should be OK. But there have been several heavy engagements with potholes along the way, so damage to them or the rim is a definite possibility.
I’ll check out the other possibilities too.