seat of pants tuning is fine if your savvy,with stock airbox and 100/40 i couldnt go wrong?id forget about 98 jets kerry even with stock airbox,be sure you check your caps,if you havent checked the resistance and its gone high you WILL foul plugs,over the years ive barked on about getting your ignition spot on before you #$%* with carbs!!it still applies now!!,if you think your ignition is good enough youll pull those jets and carbs forever #$%*ing believe me,get it #$%*ing spot on,start with those caps resistance check,then ditch those points and install an electronic ignition,be smart.
index the tdc mark,its always wrong a coupla degrees either way,that pin hole aint real precision,find true tdc with a stopper and align or remark the case.
spend a little time on detail,those emulsion tubes,chamfer the bleed holes a little,do it to the slow jets bleed holes aswell,if you have airscrews with holes,get solid ones or solder them up,youll get more control over the slow speed and transition to high speed,i find the middle slot for the needle is fine,too many guys chase their tail on this #$%*.