Author Topic: Problems with Dynatek ignition / points?  (Read 1294 times)

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Offline roach374

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Problems with Dynatek ignition / points?
« on: February 26, 2020, 09:30:40 PM »
I bought the "Dyna S Ignition System for Honda DS1-2" off Amazon, and installed it following the instructions to the letter. But I'm not getting any continuity through the magnetic pickups, no matter how the cam is rotated. I've confirmed that there is in fact a magnet in the shaft (with a screwdriver tip that's attracted to the shaft), but the pickups don't seem to register it (or any magnet at all).

It's such a simple setup, I'm not sure how I could have screwed it up, but I removed it from the bike, and confirmed that the pickups appear to be dead.

Has anyone else had this type of problem with the Dyna S "points" kit?

Offline scottly

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Re: Problems with Dynatek ignition / points?
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2020, 08:27:13 PM »
But I'm not getting any continuity through the magnetic pickups, no matter how the cam is rotated.
How are you checking for "continuity"?
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Offline roach374

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Re: Problems with Dynatek ignition / points?
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2020, 08:00:56 AM »
In case anyone stumbles across this in the future, as scottly intimated above, "checking for continuity" (in the traditional sense) is not going to work here. These points will only work if they're powered, connected tot he coils, and the coils are powered as well.

So one I had *everything* hooked up (including coils and plugs), and turned the bike on, everything worked fine, and I was able to set the static timing.

On the bright side, I only sorted all this out after contacting Dynatek support via their website, and they were a huge help, so +1 thumbs up for their tech support.