Try the old rubber bands on the lever overnight trick. I added V65 calipers to my Goldwing with new lines. They were still soft after a lot of bleeding and a mighty vac. The rubber bands did the trick, the pressure compresses air bubbles and they eventually let go of the inside of the hose and fittings and float up.
The rubber band method seems to very slowly working but still too mushy have used it in the past with good results
got a lot of time in this seemingly simple brake bleed yikes ! We’re talking one wheel only not some car with about 2 miles of lines and 4 calipers and 16 pucks
Its come back to me now that I had similar issues with my CBX and CB 1100 F when I changed master cylinders to Z x14 type about 2 years ago
now got two finger brakes on both but I had semi spongy issues for the longest time with the same bleed problems but not as bad 2 years later way harder barely noticed now
still can’t quite figure it out why it can’t easily purge air
You are right It must be the compression of the air bubbles show me moving up
Maybe I’ll end up with a bit rubbery lever but good force and good feel
I can live with that and slowly gets harder over time
Need a brake expert here.
good front brakes are everything