It took some time but did some homework. Problem still appears and all my shots are mi#$%*.
For now I'm looking for the reason somewhere around the ignition but to be honest I wander in the fog.
Revmeter issue is a secondary problem - yes, it might show wrong revs or go crazy but the primary problem is the lac of power, torque and improper engine's work. Nevertheless I replaced old one which apparently was slighlty cracked(cable + armour). That gave non effect.
It is hard to describe bu in the mid or high revs the engint work is a bit similar like 2-stroke engine, revs have lot of small, short cutdowns. Also any attempt of acceleraction from low revs on higher gear gives effect of cutdown power and jerking of he revs. I undersand its an 40YO bike and not an XJR1300 or some other big 4cylinder but I've seen plenty of mouvies of cb550 and it's definitely smth wrong about mine.
What I did from last time:
1. Checked and adjust ignition timming once again (static way)
2. Tried to adjust ignition timming dynamic way but - surprise - induction clamp worked only on cylinders 2&3. On 1&4 lamp wasn't give any light even there obviously was an ignition on 1&4th cylinder.
3. Checked coils - on primary side both where 4,9-5 Ohms (both are relativly new , ~1 y.o.) but on secondary side I have no ressitnace at all - on any of all 4 spark plg wires, the same with dismounted sparkplug cap - nothing.
4. I thought - maybe grounding. Engine, castings had been lately renoveted , laquert so maybe points have some ground disruptrion, so took out points,scrached some very thin layer , put all back togheter, adjust. Nothing.
5. My last action was to install Hondaman's module, which I did. I noticed sligtly better , more "juicy" work of the engine , bu again - I took the road , went to higher revs and problems appeared unchanged.
2nd film is after points 4 and 5.
all records are "full throttle" especially on the beginning.
Any ideas are really welcome.