Not caving? No he is just taking away your rights as you sit there an read this. He pressures the media to over look things and threatens them if they dont saying they are harming national security.
Bush did a n executive order that says if you are declared a terrorist, you can be taken away with out ANY concern for your rights. No one has a right to know where you are at, you have no right to a trial. You can be held indefinately with no actual charges brought against you. You do NOT get a trial of your peers, you get a military style tribunal.
Bush has also signed a pres order squashing public demonstrations against him. He has now admitted that there were no WMDs in Iraq.
GWB a pussy, certainly not but the worst president ever? Quite possibly. He has driven our country into debt that if we were to get out of it, EVERY family would need to pay in over 50,000 dollars. Dont know about you but I dont have 50000. He has also done everything possible to stop ANY type of federal minimum wage raise. Do you think you could live off of 5:25 an hours? Not likely unless you lived with mommy. Other states have seen this and raised their own minimum wage standards.
Oh as another afront to our liberties and our states, he signed yet another pres note taking the power AWAY from the states to call out THEIR OWN national guard. SO guess what, if your state has an emregency, you better hope bush is in a good mood or he could say NO to your state activating its guard units.
Had clinton or any other dem done anything like this, he would been impeached right away. yet bush had the repub congrss to back him.
Have a nice day and try reading something that does not come from cnn or fox news.