Author Topic: 76' 400f downshifting sometimes has to be helped 1 at a time  (Read 448 times)

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on occasion that's becoming more often, coming to a stop, if not all gears have been selected downshifting because of choice or the hang that's causing it to not to set up for the next gear.

say from 6th going to fifth, it'll go into 5th, but then from then on either in motion or stopped, the clutch has to be partially engaged to set the shifter thing in the transmission back to the next spot to drop another gear. there's so many springs and detents before it even gets to the forks. so the scenario is at a light coming in with both brakes locked up, and the light's about to change, sometimes downshifting is still catching up with the process, then if it hangs, it's a complex maneuver to hit the shift lever, and nothing, and then let the clutch lever out a hair, so it'll then actually shift (hard,) then try another gear, same thing all the way to first. by then the light is green i'm in front of all the cars i passed to get there, and sometimes it's a second or third gear start. meanwhile coke cans and Gatorade bottles are thrown at me as they go by. it's not as bad as stalling from leaving the gas off. because at least by the next light, i'm in first place again. but i wonder which spring getting hung up? would it be play in the snifter shaft? the lever is pretty close to being within specs, for travel. oh on a good note, bike has over 500miles on the top end assembly without any leaks, a miracle. gas still runs over the carb float bowl orings, not the over flow, so it's staining the cases and running on electrical wiring causing them to stiffen. running strong but always hot. hotter than it should be but not hot enough to cause pistons to get holes so far. like at the end of 60 mile ride some oil smoke is coming out of the breather, doesn't use a drop of oil, unless the gas leaking into the cc, doesn't smell gassy. fuel levels are set high on account of new inlet jets factory, only now the seep past the orings which never has happened before, so high fuel levels to the point of barely missing from too much fuel but the plugs have always been white, not burnt, no signs of metal on the porcelin. but white, can't get that to ever change. my guess it's the gas type. straight grade 87octane, runs beautiful when cold and warming up. also runs beautiful on the gas from any rpm. idles like a charm. unless you have your hands full and can't reach the switch starter. time to go riding.

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Re: 76' 400f downshifting sometimes has to be helped 1 at a time
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2020, 09:41:32 PM »
  The clutch is dragging, it might be as simple as an oil change but I won't go into that. Fix the float level soon.
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Offline evinrude7

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Re: 76' 400f downshifting sometimes has to be helped 1 at a time
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2020, 06:54:55 AM »
oil change 8)
cb750 k6 - ugly

Offline Nurse Julie

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Re: 76' 400f downshifting sometimes has to be helped 1 at a time
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2020, 07:13:17 AM »
Remove all the clutch plates, clean the metal plates, measure the friction plates to make sure within spec. If not, fit new clutch. If OK, re assemble, change oil and filter and away you go.
Trust me I'm a Nurse, I promise it won't hurt....much