Unless someone cleaned it up there would be ground metal sludge laying in the head around the cam towers/cam that was damaged. Taking off the cam caps would get a better look but you may not have damage if you did not see those clues. How does it sound the little bit you have ran it ?
I can't attest for how much the guy might have "cleaned it" when he took off the cover - that was before I got it... I didn't notice any particular large collection of ground up metal in the top end, nor sludge or burned looking oil.
With the caveat that I don't have inline 4 experience, I would say I don't hear anything disturbing from the top end when it's running. I have solid lifters on my shovelhead, and when sitting on the bike I can hear them louder than noise from the top end of this bike.
In fact, after I swapped the advancers and did the static timing (it's a Dyna S ignition, so no dwell or gaps to deal with), and started it (uh... after sorting out what seemed to be stuck floats), I walked around the bike as it idled, head close to the engine (its up on a lift right now), and I heard more noise from the clutch than I did from the top end.
I know that SOME metal settling in the oil pan is normal... but not how much. I'd say there was a total of 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of fine metal in the oil. Hard to judge exactly how much without actually filtering it and washing it down.
I kept the oil I drained out, and I'm bringing a magnet home from work today to check how much of those shavings are ferrous vs. aluminum.