This event is only a 'beta' test. Pre-conditioning to prepare us to be subserviant. Guns are not enough, when they can hold back our food... Stop supply chain. Eisenhower warned about the Military Industrial Complex. Psychological warfare.... Look how many are cell-phone-brainwashed..... Not just younger generation. They plan to crash the economy. It's about control. Remember, Federal Reserve is ran by global entities, who have no love or allegiance to the U.S. Why was the CDC advertising in November, looking to hire quarantine managers? Why was 5G rolled out in Wuhan in October? Why were the world military olympics held in Wuhan, in October, with 10,000 athletes from 100 countries?
I could go on; but I realize it's the wrong place for this. I pray for you all to receive a hunger for the truth; since I believe we're all a bunch of decent people; who appreciate these nostalgic machines; and would like to continue living 'business-as-usual'; but I'm afraid we're not in Kansas anymore. U.N. Agenda 21 is now become 2030; and
Rev 13 reminds us that all nations will come under one governing system.