A couple of things I'd try:
Change the stack on the Supertrap. Go down 2 discs, then drop the needle one notch from where it is, and go to 130 or 135 mainjet.
Drill the emulsifier tubes (in the mainjet holders): the cross-holes (larger ones) should be about .033" (I think the stock hole is .025", .1mm). Going larger than .039" has no effect. Start by drillin gout only the larger ones, if it helps, but not enough, then drill the smaller ones, too.
Once you get this arrangement cleaned up, you can inch your way up, at both ends. You're suffering from the 'on pipe' portion of the tune, where the mix goes from lean to rich, suddenly, because of the cam. One other thing that may help, if this spot never gets smoothed out the way you'd like: advance the cam. About 5 degrees would be a good start: this will broaden the 'start point' of the on-pipe engagement and ease the tuning of the lean-rich transistion. It will also improve the low-end torque.
BTW, the stock airbox, with its built-in velocity stacks, will also smooth out the transition point. Those pods are introducing one lean-rich step (at about 5000 RPM) all by themselves, the pipe another (wherever its band starts), and the cam a (big) third. Together, you're hitting the wall.