Drop in power, throttle less responsive.
When this happened to me on a 2 week trip in the middle of the desert there were 2 different causes and solutions.
The first time was failure of the vintage electronic ignition when the engine got hot causing me to lose 2 cylinders. Switching back to points fixed that.
The 2nd time a lock nut had backed off of the #1 intake adjuster, which then backed out so that the valve wasn't opening, no open = no fuel = no run on that cylinder. The acjtual adjusted screw bent and another member here, TwoTired, drove a couple hours with a spare part and helped me install it so I could keep going the 1300 miles left in my trip.
Drop in power generally means one or more cylinders is not firing. Others have laid out a path for you to follow to diagnose the problem. Be systematic and you will figure it out.