The article wasn't written by Soloman. BTW from what I see He wasn't fired buy the WT. He resigned in 2008 if that was what you were discussing. He was rehired in 2012.
Soloman's going after Hunter and Joe has been pretty good.
What evidence to you have of C19 being under reported. From what I've seen it's over reported.
I do think that infections are greater than testing shows but also testing has not been accurate and some labs have been over reporting infections. Some in Florida were reporting a 90% infection rate.
Not sure what you point is on "fool's errand. Why are other countries reopening? C19 will continue to kill. So will cars, flu, meningitis and a bunch of other things.
I do see bias from the Right but it's no where near the level of the Left.
It's Solomon's "paper." The man has been discredited.
Solomon's reporting on Ukraine has been widely condemned as spreading false conspiracies and working in conjunction with the current administration to malign his political opponent. If it's been so good, how come nothing has stuck?
Regarding numbers, besides making intuitive sense (the US didn't do widespread testing for months, the Trump administration has a desire for low numbers even going so far as to want to stop testing and, if you remember, letting a ship with sick people on it not come to port in the US), the data I cited (huge increases of deaths linked to other causes such as heart attacks, etc., compared to normal for the same time periods, data reported by hospitals) is one factor. This has been widely reported. Furthermore, the CDC, Johns Hopkins University, Anthony Fauci and the NIAID, the National Association of Medical Examiners, and other groups all have the consensus opinion that deaths from C19 are undererported. I can't speak to the case you cite, but it's an anecdote. Furthermore, if you follow the link in the link that you cited, it was a mistake and the case was removed as a C19 case. One mistake doesn't prove a vast conspiracy of the inflation of cases, but I would be more likely to trust the organizations I cited, among others. The conspiracy of C19 inflation is linked to a March 29 Facebook post by way, way out there conpiracy theorist Candace Owens. It's been debunked completely. But if selection bias is a factor in where you source your news, you won't necessarily be getting accurate information.
The comparisons to other things that kill people is a false equivalency. Remember when people thought C19 was a hoax? Or that it was no big deal? And said things like "the flu kills more people in a year?" How wrong they were. The other difference is that the spread of C19 can be lessened or prevented by taking very simple measures such as wearing a mask and social distancing.
Why are other countries opening? Do you really have no idea about this? Put plainly, other countries implemented strict measures that brought their rate of infection down to almost nothing because people followed the measures. There weren't a bunch of people storming state capitals with assault rifles claiming that wearing masks is an infringement on their "constitutional rights" (without, of course, any talk about "responsibilities"). In these countries, people respect science and the opinions of experts in their respective fields, and their leaders didn't politicize the issues. If the USA had done this, the infection rate could be nearing zero instead of increasing dramatically and things would be getting back to normal.
Instead, people are spreading conspiratorial stories meant to diminish the effects of a virus that is on track to kill half the number of people who died in four years of World War II in less than a year.